Monday, October 5, 2009

Fall strawberries...

No caption needed.

Second Spring Update

The idea of planting anything in September or October with any hope of
getting a crop was not even considered in our "short season" homeland
of Colorado. (Although Eliot Coleman grows lettuce all winter long in
unheated greenhouses in Maine... so it can be done). However, since
we are actually rated as a USDA zone 9 (the same as Southern
California) we have great hopes for our "second spring".

Here you can see the peas growing up their new trellis lines. We used
stakes earlier this year and decided to give them more support this
time around. They definitely like it.

New Lable Maker on the Farm

In an effort to keep Jonathan from hitting me on the head with a
shovel the next time I asked "what is this?" and "when did we plant
it?"... we now have weather proof labels adorning our field. A big
thanks goes out to Liz for helping me look a little less lame.
